Title I is supplemental federal funding for low achieving children, especially in high poverty schools. This program provides extra academic support and learning opportunities for children farthest from meeting challenging state standards. Title I helps Greenfield-Central Schools by supplementing and improving the regular education programs offered at Title I schools. The goal is to help students meet the State standards.
In Title I programs, children farthest away from meeting the State standards must be considered first. Services are based on the academic needs of individual children, not on the poverty of a child or his/her family. Title I served migrant children, limited English proficient children, children who are homeless, children with disabilities, and any child who is in academic need.
The types of services depend on the school. The types of services are limited only by the imagination and by solid research-based programs and practices. Services must support children’s ability to master the standards in English/Language Arts and Mathematics.
For example, Title I can provide tutoring, special teachers in reading and/or math, preschool programs, extended day/year programs, learning laboratories, professional development for teachers and parents, and home-school liaisons.
Any individual, organization, or agency (complainant) may file a complaint with Greenfield-Central Community School Corporation (GCSC) if that individual, organization, or agency believes and alleges that GCSC is violating a federal statute or regulation that applies to a program under Title I, Part A. The complaint must allege a violation that occurred not more than one year prior to the date that the complaint is received, unless a longer period is reasonable because the violation is considered systemic or ongoing.
A complaint must be made in writing and signed by the complainant. The complaint must include the following:
• A statement that GCSC has violated a requirement of a federal statute or regulation that applies to an applicable program.
• The date on which the violation occurred.
• The facts on which the statement is based and the specific requirement allegedly violated (include citation to the federal statute or regulation).
• A list of the names and telephone numbers of individuals who can provide additional information.
• Whether a complaint has been filed with any other government agency, and if so, which agency.
• Copies of all applicable documents supporting the complainant’s position.
• The address of the complainant.
The complaint must be addressed to:
Greenfield-Central Community School Corporation
Attn: Dr. Harold Olin
110 West North Street
Greenfield, IN 46140
The number of students that qualify for free and/or reduced lunch is used to determine the district-wide poverty and school poverty levels. Title I can serve schools at or above the district- wide poverty average. Building eligibility depends on poverty and not academic performance of the building. Harris Elementary and J. B. Stephens Elementary presently have Title 1 programs in their buildings.