High Ability Education

High Ability Defined

Effective July 1, 2007, Indiana schools shall identify students with high ability in the general intellectual and specific academic domains and provide them with appropriately differentiated curriculum and instruction in core content areas, K-12 (refer to IC-20-36-2-2).


High Ability Identification

The Indiana Code defines a student with high abilities as one who: (1) performs at, or shows the potential for performing at, an outstanding level of accomplishment in at least one domain when compared to other students of the same age, experience, or environment; and: (2) is characterized by exceptional gifts, talents, motivation, or interests (IC 20-36-1-3).

Specific identification processes remain a local decision and will vary according to district size, building configurations, demographics, etc.

The Greenfield-Central Community School Corporation uses a “pathways” model to identify students for High Ability programs. This model looks for potential and/or achievement evidence and identifies all students at a grade level who perform at or above the established levels.

Research-based valid and reliable measures in aptitude and achievement are used to gather evidence for identification into high-ability education programs. The G-C Pathways model of identification seeks to provide multiple pathways for a student to show evidence of high performance.

High Ability Appeal Procedure

Greenfield-Central implements a well-designed, multifaceted identification process consistent with Indiana Code and the Indiana Department of Education’s guidance. It is based upon sound measures designed for use with high ability learners in order to find those students whose academic needs are far beyond those of typical students of the same age in our school district.
An appeals process is in place in the event a student is not placed in the high ability program due to potentially invalid assessment results. A parent/guardian may choose to request an appeal to the placement decision. An official written appeal using this form must be filed by May 1st.
An appeals process allows the committee to review further information that shows good cause to reconsider the selection criteria or, if deemed appropriate, evaluate additional support documentation to consider high ability identification.

High Ability Exit Procedure

A student remains identified throughout his/her K-12 education at Greenfield-Central. However, exit procedures can be followed when a student is not benefitting from the high ability services provided. If a student begins to struggle academically or social-emotionally within the high ability program, strategies to help the student sustain academic achievement would be implemented.
Students who are not successful with high ability placement may be exited from programming at any time in the best interest of the student. This process may be initiated by the school or the parent. If the school determines high ability programming may not be the best placement for the student, the school will initiate communication with the parent. Ongoing communication between school and parent should continue throughout the semester and/or school year. If after additional supports have not assisted the student in being successful, then the student may be recommended for exit from the program.

High Ability Services

High-level performance results from a complex interaction of human qualities – intellectual, emotional, family, and cultural relationships, and educational strategies and methods. It is the relationship between an individual with various potentials and a world with various possibilities that may either lead to high-level performance, or to undeveloped and under-used potentials. The challenge is to find an equitable way to allow all children with high abilities the opportunity to participate in experiences designed to maximize the development of their potential. Well-designed curriculum and well-prepared teachers are essential to providing appropriate educational experiences.