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State Anthem Insurance: Open Enrollment

We have received health insurance renewal rates and the annual open enrollment is set to commence.

Listed are various documents that support either starting an enrollment in health insurance offered through the State’s Anthem Plans or making changes to your plan.  Eligible employee groups are Administrators, Teachers, Full-time Custodians and Mechanics, TRAs, Support Staff and Full-time Secretaries.

The timeframe for this is beginning October 30th and ending November 20thWe want to have all the enrollment paperwork at Central Office by November 15th so that we may pre-process them for Anthem and meet their deadline.  Turn the forms in to either Ruth Ann Fisher or Margie Bender.

You do not need to fill out an enrollment form if you are not starting or changing anything!
If you’re starting insurance, fill out the application; if changing, fill out the change form.
You must fill out a Non-Tobacco Use Agreement and Request for Premium Reduction every year (NTUA 2014).

Also listed is a  document that provides a wealth of information about enrolling, health care issues, HSAs, qualifying events, and a checklist for a successful enrollment.

There is also information from our HSA vendor and a form to turn in to Payroll (Margie or Ruth Ann) if you’d like to start or make a change.

HSA Enrollment Greenfield-Central 2014

NTUA 2014

2014 School Corporation Employee Communication

Greenfield-Central CSC 2014 Health Insurance Rates

HSA Payroll Election Form 2014

School Corporation Employee Change Form

School Corp Employee Application 2014