The top 10 reasons you should send your student to Harris Elementary School:
10. Harris teachers make bonds with students and families that last for generations.
9. Students were crying at the end of the year because they didn’t want to leave for the summer.
8. Harris staff and students are accepting of others with diverse needs, which is what we as teachers and parents need to prepare our children for as they enter the real world after graduation.
7. Our teachers use best practices and differentiated instruction in order to provide the highest quality educational experience for each individual child.
6. Harris has a goal-oriented staff who choose to grow every child. Students have access to academics, the arts and technology and are provided opportunities to create and collaborate.
5. Harris provides a caring, family environment where children and families feel safe, connected and loved.
4. Harris is made up of compassionate, loving people who truly love what they do. The growth of all students is our goal.
3. Harris has a warm and friendly environment.
2. Harris is a community of passionate professionals who are compassionate to their students.
1. At Harris Elementary, children have access to amazing technology, after school clubs to enhance educational learning and physical activity, fun-filled family nights and holiday events, participation in evidence based social-emotional learning, anti-bullying school convocations, a multi-tiered system of educational support to meet the individual learning needs of each child, multiple after-school care options, a caring philanthropic school community that continuously strives to help the local community, and children will be surrounded by a multitude of loving, caring adults who know children by name and make them smile every day.