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Attention Greenfield-Central Parents

If your student has medication stored in a Greenfield-Central school clinic, we are providing you the opportunity to collect it for home use. See below for details.

Who? Any GC student who has medication stored in a school clinic.

What? Medication Pick Up Details

When? Thursday, March 26th, from 4-6pm

Where? Greenfield-Central High School, Door 37 (east gym door under WRGF sign)

How? Email [email protected] by 8am on Thursday, March 26th. Email should include:
Student’s name
Name of person picking up medication (photo ID will be required)

Why? Greenfield-Central CSC wants to help ensure your student has access to the medication they need during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Email [email protected] if you have further questions regarding medication collection.

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Indiana Department of Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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