Board Information
Greenfield-Central Community School Corporation Board of School Trustees
The Board of School Trustees and the Superintendent of Schools for the Greenfield-Central Community School Corporation welcome you to this information page about how a school board meeting is conducted. Your presence at a meeting shows your interest in the education of the children of this community. Decisions made at board meetings establish direction, content, and timing for most all issues that affect the education of our children and in the long run impact the future of our community. Thank you for your interest and we hope to see you at future meetings.
What is the Board of School Trustees?
The Board of School Trustees is a creation of the State of Indiana legislature and is charged with providing schools and educational opportunities for children in the school corporation. The Board is comprised of five elected members. Members serve overlapping terms of four years. Four members represent specific geographic areas in which they must be a resident. The fifth member is an at-large seat and residency can be anywhere in the school corporation. Board member elections are conducted during the November general election with successful candidates taking office on January 1 of the following calendar year. All registered voters in the school corporation can vote for the candidate from any district and the at-large seat, regardless of the voter’s place of residence.
Who are the Members of the Board of School Trustees?
The five individuals who currently comprise the Board of School Trustees and their terms of office are as follows:
- District #1 – Hillary Close 1/01/2017 to 12/31/2024 (Northwest)
- District #2 – Clark Smith 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2026 (Northeast)
- District #3 – John Rihm 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2026 (Southwest)
- District #4 – Dr. Lori Wean 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2024 (Southeast)
- At-Large – Daniel Brown 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2024
District is divided into quadrants with I-70 and SR9 being the dividers.
What is done at School Board Meetings?
The Board of School Trustees has responsibility for establishing policies by which Greenfield-Central Community School Corporation is operated. The Board acts upon recommendations made by the Superintendent of Schools (the chief executive officer) and staff on a wide variety of matters from personnel to adopting an operating budget and authorizing the spending of budgeted money. Although any topic relating to the operation of the schools may come before the Board, most matters are routinely handled through administrative channels. No one person or groups of persons may act in the name of the School Board. For an item to become official, it is necessary that a majority of board members present at either a regular or special board meeting vote in favor of a motion. No fewer than three school board members shall be present to conduct official business.
When and Where are School Board Meetings Held?
The Board of School Trustees meets regularly on the second Monday of each month at 7:00PM. Meetings are held at the Greenfield-Central Educational Services Center at 700 North Broadway Street. All meeting sites are published in the advertised public notice section of the local newspaper. In addition, when special meetings are called, public notice is given prior to the meeting. Executive sessions are held for the purpose of discussing matters of personnel, collective bargaining, litigation, purchase of property and other related topics. However, all decisions requiring Board action will be acted upon in public session.
A schedule of regular school board meetings for the year is published and available at the Administration Center and by clicking here.
Public Comments and Concerns
Public comment about the School Corporation is welcomed by the School Board whenever it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of the educational program. Any person or group having an interest in the operation of the Corporation shall have the right to present a request, suggestion, comment, or concern relating to personnel, the programs, or the operations of the Corporation.
Comments and concerns related to curriculum, methods of instruction, instructional materials, or Corporation employees shall be submitted in writing to the principal of the school and the Superintendent. Comments and concerns thus submitted will be considered by the Superintendent or his or her designated assistants and the principal. At the discretion of the Superintendent, a committee may be appointed, an existing committee may be utilized, or other action may be taken to review the matter in question and submit a written decision to the Superintendent.
Public comments at school board meetings are reserved to a two-minute allotment to allow for an efficient meeting. Persons wishing to address the Board on a scheduled public agenda item shall sign in at the start of the meeting. At his or her sole discretion, the Board President may permit public comment on issues not listed as a public agenda item.
The purpose of public comment is to give the Board members as much information as possible, not to engage in debate. Board members or administrators may provide answers to questions asked during public comment if the information is readily available and not confidential. Often, however, questions will not be answered, but taken under advisement and answers returned at a later time, if possible.
The Board will not tolerate abusive or inappropriate language or statements including, but not limited to statements that are: threatening, harassing, illegal, obscene, lewd, vulgar, defamatory, libelous, hostile, or personal attacks. Comments should be directed to the Board, not an individual Board member. Comments may not reference specific Corporation employees, patrons, or students.
The Board President may take appropriate action to maintain order at a meeting. Such actions may include stopping the speaker or limiting comments due to the number of individuals desiring to comment and/or the length of the agenda.
Individuals or groups desiring additional information about any item on the agenda should direct such inquiries to the Office of the Superintendent and an appropriate response will be initiated by the Superintendent, or the Superintendent’s designee.
The intent of this policy is to allow a fair and adequate opportunity to be heard, to allow the Superintendent to take action when policies have been established by the Board on the subject, and to see that time so devoted to the discussion does not interfere with the fulfillment of the scheduled agenda of the Board.